English and Mathematics Tests Required of Most New Students
The English Placement Test (EPT) and the Entry Level Math test (ELM) are administered through the Testing Center. The English Department administers the English Diagnostic Test (EDT) to identify multilingual students who could benefit from instruction tailored for their needs.
English Language Requirement
All undergraduate applicants whose native language is not English and who have not attended schools at the secondary level or above for at least three years full time where English is the principal language of instruction must present a score of Internet 61, Computer 173, Paper 500 the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Some majors may require a score higher than Internet 61, Computer 173, Paper 500. Some majors may require a higher score. A few campuses may also use alternative methods of assessing English fluency: Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic), the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), and the International Test of English Proficiency (ITEP). Each campus will post the tests it accepts on its website and will notify students after they apply about the tests it accepts and when to submit scores.
CSU minimum TOEFL standards are:
Internet | Computer | Paper | |
Undergraduate | 61 | 173 | 500 |
Graduate | 80 | 213 | 550 |
Systemwide Placement Test Requirements
The CSU requires that each entering undergraduate, except those who qualify for an exemption, take the CSU Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) examination and the CSU English Placement Test (EPT) prior to enrollment. These placement tests are not a condition for admission to the CSU, but they are a condition of enrollment. These examinations are designed to identify entering students who may need additional support in acquiring college entry-level English and mathematics skills necessary to succeed in CSU baccalaureate-level courses. Undergraduate students who do not demonstrate college-level skills both in English and in mathematics will be placed in appropriate remedial programs and activities during the first term of their enrollment. Students placed in remedial programs in either English or mathematics must complete all remediation in their first year of enrollment. Failure to complete remediation by the end of the first year may result in denial of enrollment for future terms. Students register for the EPT (www.csuenglishsuccess.org/ept) and/or ELM (www.csumathsuccess.org/elm_exam). Campus may establish deadlines by which new students must register for and/or take placement exams as a requirement for enrollment. Questions about test dates and registration materials may be addressed to:
CSU, Sacramento - Testing Center
6000 J Street, Lassen Hall, Room 2302
Sacramento, CA 95819-6058
Phone: 916-278-6296
Fax: 916-278-7867
English Placement Test (EPT) and Exemptions
The English Placement Test (EPT) is designed to assess the level of reading and writing skills of
students entering the California State University. The CSU EPT must be completed by all non-exempt
entering undergraduates prior to enrollment in any course, including remedial courses. Students who
score 147 or above on the EPT will be placed in college-level composition classes.
Exemptions from the EPT are granted only to those who present proof of one of the following:
- A score of “Exempt” or “Ready for college-level English courses” on the CSU Early Assessment Program (EAP) taken along with the English Language Arts California Standard Test in grade 11
- A score of “Conditionally ready for college-level English courses” or “Conditional” on the CSU Early Assessment Program (EAP) taken on grade 11, provided successful completion of the Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC), AP English, 1B English or an English course approved for extra honors weight on the University of California “a-g” Doorways course list
- A score of 500 or above on the critical reading section of the College Board SAT Reasoning Test;
- A score of 22 or above on the American College Testing (ACT) English Test;
- A score of 3 or above on either the Language and Composition or Composition and Literature examination of the College Board Scholastic Advanced Placement Program;
- Completion and transfer to CSU of credits for a college course that satisfies the CSU General Education requirement in English Composition, provided such a course was completed with a grade of “C” or better
The EPT may be taken at any CSU campus; placement tests taken at other colleges or universities do not apply. Failure to take the EPT exam before the first semester of enrollment as required will prevent students from enrolling at the University. The EPT exam may be taken only once.
Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) Exam and Exemptions
The Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) Placement Examination is designed to assess and measure the level of mathematics skills acquired through three years of rigorous college preparatory mathematics coursework (Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry) of students entering the California State University (CSU). The CSU ELM must be completed by all non-exempt entering undergraduates prior to enrollment in any course, including remedial courses. Students who score 50 or above on the ELM will be placed in college-level mathematics classes.
Exemptions from the ELM are granted only to those who present proof of one of the following:
- A score of “Exempt” or “Ready for college-level Mathematics courses” on the CSU Early Assessment Program (EAP), taken in grade 11 in conjunction with the CST in Summative High School Mathematics or Algebra II
- A score of “Conditionally ready for college-level Mathematics courses” or “Conditional” on theĀ CSU Early Assessment Program (EAP) taken in grade 11 along with the California Standards Test in Summative High School Mathematics or Algebra II, provided successful completion of a CSU-approved 12th grade math course that require Algebra II as a prerequisite
- A score of 550 or above on the mathematics section of the College Board SAT Reasoning Test;
- A score of 550 or above on a College Board SAT Subject Test in Mathematics (level 1 or level 2);
- A score of 23 or above on the American College Testing (ACT) Mathematics Test;
- A score of 3 or above on the College Board Advanced Placement Calculus examination (AB or BC) exam;
- A score of 3 or above on the College Board Advanced Placement Statistics examination;
- Completion and transfer to CSU of a college course that satisfies the requirement in Quantitative Reasoning, provided such a course was completed with a grade of “C” or better
The results of the ELM exam will not affect admission eligibility, but will be used to identify students who need special help in math in order to do college-level work (see the “mathematics” section below for specific placement information). Placement tests at other colleges or universities do not apply; however, the ELM may be taken at any CSU Campus. Failure to take the ELM exam before the first semester of enrollment as required will prevent students from enrolling at the University. The ELM exam may be taken only once each testing cycle.
Information and practice questions are available to help students prepare for the ELM:
Early Start Program
Entering resident freshmen who are not proficient in math or English will need to start the remediation process before their first regular term.
The goals of Early Start Program are to:
- Better prepare students in math and English, before the fall semester of freshmen year;
- Add an important and timely assessment tool in preparing students for college; and
- Improve students' chances of successful completion of a college degree.
Newly admitted freshmen students who are required to complete Early Start will be notified of the requirement and options for completing the program as part of campus communications to newly admitted students.
Required English and Mathematics Preparatory Courses for Entering Students - Executive Order 665
According to CSU Executive Order 665, students who do not pass the EPT and/or ELM are required to enroll in the appropriate preparatory courses in their first semester of enrollment. All preparatory courses must be completed within the students’ first year of enrollment; otherwise, the students will not be allowed to continue at the University, resulting in Administrative Disqualification.
If students are administratively disqualified, they will be required to complete general education English and/or mathematics requirements at a community college with a “C-” or higher grade before returning to the University.
The EPT and ELM scores with the appropriate course placement are shown below:
Entering students scoring in one of the ranges below GE level on the EPT must enroll in the course corresponding to their placement range in the first semester at Sacramento State. During subsequent semesters, students must enroll for the next course in the sequence until college level English is complete. Multilingual students must take the English Diagnostic Test (EDT) if they did not take the EPT at Sacramento State.
Multilingual students who take the EPT at Sacramento State will complete a survey to determine whether multilingual writing instruction is appropriate. The student’s EPT essay will be assessed to determine if the student could benefit from writing courses designed for multilingual students. If so, the student will be given an EDT score of 3, 4, or 5 in addition to the EPT score. See the chart below for information on placement in multilingual courses.
EPT Scores |
Course Placement |
120-141 |
ENGL 15, then ENGL 1 or |
ENGL 10, then ENGL 11 |
142-145 |
ENGL 1 or |
ENGL 10, then ENGL 11 |
146 |
ENGL 5 and ENGL 1X |
147+ |
ENGL 5 |
Sophomores |
ENGL 20 |
EPT and EDT Scores |
Multilingual Course Placement |
EPT=120-141 and EDT=3 |
ENGL 86, then ENGL 87 or |
ENGL 10M, then ENGL11M |
EPT=142-145 and EDT=4 |
ENGL 87 or |
ENGL 10M, then ENGL 11M |
EPT=146 and EDT=5 |
ENGL 5M and ENGL 1X or ENGL 2X |
EPT=147+ and EDT=5 |
Sophomores |
ENGL 20M |
Entering students scoring in one of the ranges below GE level on the ELM must enroll in the course corresponding to their placement range in the first semester at Sacramento State. During subsequent semesters, students must enroll for the next course in the sequence until college level math is complete.
After passing the ELM exam or the appropriate ELM equivalency courses, check with your major advisor to determine the most appropriate GE math course. You may enroll in MATH 1 for the General Education Quantitative Reasoning requirement (Area B4) or take a Mathematics Department Diagnostic Test as a prerequisite to enrollment in other Mathematics courses. See “Additional Course Placement Examination Requirements.”
ELM Scores |
Preparatory Course Placement |
34 or below |
MLSK 7A and MLSK 7B |
36-42 |
MLSK 10A |
44-48 |
MLSK 10A or LS 10I for students planning to take MATH 1 for GE Area B4; MATH 9 and MLSK 10X for students planning to take a GE Area B4 course other than MATH 1. |
50 and above |
None required (ELM equivalency requirement met). To take a GE B4 course other than MATH 1, you must also take a Math Department Diagnostic test (see Additional Course Placement Exam Requirements.) |
More Information
Testing Center
Lassen Hall 2302
(916) 278-6296
During the admission process, all students subject to these requirements will receive information about the placement tests. Students register for the EPT and ELM online at: www.csus.edu/testing. Students who have been admitted to Sacramento State may check their EPT and ELM status and placement scores at the My Sacramento State portal under the “Admissions” link.
Additional Course Placement Examination Requirements
Sequoia Hall 156
(916) 278-6684
Students enrolling in Chemistry 1A are required to take a General Chemistry Placement Examination. This examination must be taken in the first laboratory period during the first week of the semester.
Brighton Hall 141
(916) 278-6534
All students enrolling in a course that satisfies the General Education Quantitative Reasoning requirement must satisfy the Entry-Level Mathematics (ELM) examination as a prerequisite to enrollment, unless exempted by test scores or prior course completion. Additionally, students are required to take diagnostic tests as follows:
MATH 9 and MATH 11*
Students are required to take a diagnostic test in basic Algebra and Geometry given at the beginning of each semester.
*Note: MATH 9 and MATH 11 are not applicable to a baccalaureate degree.
MATH 17, 24, 26A, 29 and 107A and STAT 1
Students are required to take a diagnostic test in Intermediate Algebra given at the beginning of each semester.
Students are required to take a test in pre-calculus mathematics. This test can be taken at the beginning of each semester.
Information on each diagnostic exam can be found on the Department of Mathematics and Statistics website (under Students — Diagnostic Exam).
Foreign Language
Mariposa Hall 2051
(916) 278-6333
Sacramento State students who continue their study of a foreign language begun elsewhere must enroll in a course that does not duplicate previous college credits received. A placement test will be given prior to registration or at the first class meeting. If given prior to registration, it will be listed in the Class Schedule. Adjustment of registration, if necessary, will be made in accordance with the results of the placement exam.
Students who have begun the study of any foreign language in high school and who will enroll before taking the placement test may use the following as a guide for their first enrollment:
1A -if the student has less than one year of satisfactory high
school study
1B -if the student has one year but less than two years of
high school study
1C -if students have completed up to two years of high
school study or one year of college French or German or Spanish with failing or unsatisfactory achievement
or evaluation; and if students have had an extended
interruption of beginning or intermediate formal
language study
2A -if the student has two but less than three years of high
school study
2B -if the student has three years of high school study
Students who have acquired knowledge of a foreign language without having received high school or college credit should consult with an advisor for placement.